Photo course - Composition

Composition for all


Photography course - Composition for all

Intermediate: develop your style

Some photographs spontaneously attract the viewer's attention. The eye circulates through it according to a composition that establishes this invisible link between the visual path and the reading of images. The composition work transforms and accentuates the relationship to reality by favoring axes, lines, entrances and traffic. These are the few essential points that we will propose to you to improve.

Icon: level

Level : Intermediate

Icon: camera

All camera brands are accepted

Icon: camera

Bridge or Hybrid
Digital Medium Format
Film Camera
Reflex Camera SLR

Icon: group of people

7 Maximum number of participants

Icon: duration

Duration 3h30

Workshop in English

How it works?

Technical prerequisites for this workshop: To have followed our beginner workshops (1,2,3 & 4) or to have been introduced to the photographic technique by another means.

This artistic development class is part of a pack of 4 workshops (14 hours), you can get a discount by ordering this pack

Reminder: An appointment form will be sent a few days before the date of each workshop, with the exact location of the meeting and the contact details of the teacher.

It is quite possible to follow two 3.5 hour workshops in the same day or four workshops in the same weekend as these workshops have been designed for this rhythm.

Number of hours for this course - 3.30 hours. Depending on the number of students, the course can be completed in 2.30 hours, 3 hours or 3.30 hours. With a very small number of participants, the quality of the class and the time allocated to each one to ask questions allows the course duration to be reduced in order to keep the chosen dates and avoid cancellations. For more information, see our Terms of use page

It is possible to take part in this course with a film camera, but it will not be possible for your instructor to review the images.

Please note that we do NOT lend cameras or accessories

Minor participants can participate in our courses (under condition, see article here in our help centre).

What you get?

The objective of this course is to teach the guidelines of composition to new photographers. Although many established photographers tend to think that there is no such thing as “correct composition”, you will learn why these guidelines exist and can then choose if you will abide by them or not.

After you learn about composition, your eyes will start to notice the interesting shapes surrounding you. Once you have become aware of them, all you have to do is appropriately position yourself to see them appear in your viewfinder. We will discuss where the theories of composition derive from in order to have a better understanding of how relevant they are in making an interesting photo.

This workshop will teach you:

  • The theories of the rule of thirds, filling the frame, perspective, balance, leading lines, symmetry, patterns, background, depth, and cropping
  • The history of the theory of composition

You will leave the class trusting your photographic judgment, maybe even feeling that the composition guidelines are second nature to you.

The workshop is split into three sections: a theoretical explanation, a hands-on practice session, and a debriefing of the class at a nearby café. During the debriefing, we will review and discuss the class’ photographs. The workshop is composed of a theoretical part, practical training and a debriefing.

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Photography course - Composition for all

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