
Photography course - Black and white

Intermediate: develop your style

Do you like black & white rendering and wish to improve your skills in monochrome photography? Accompanied by a professional photographer, you will learn how to sublimate your black & white compositions during this workshop.

Icon: level

Level : Intermediate

Icon: camera

All camera brands are accepted

Icon: camera

Bridge or Hybrid
Digital Medium Format
Reflex Camera SLR

Icon: group of people

7 Maximum number of participants

Icon: duration

Duration 3h30

Workshop in English

How it works?

Technical prerequisites for this workshop: To have followed our beginner workshops (1,2,3 & 4) or to have been introduced to the photographic technique by another means.

Reminder: An appointment form will be sent a few days before the date of each workshop, with the exact location of the meeting and the contact details of the teacher. It is quite possible to follow two 3.5 hour workshops in the same day or four workshops in the same weekend as these workshops have been designed for this rhythm. Our classes are group classes, so there is a minimum number of participants required to maintain the session. If the number of students is less than 3, the session is likely to be postponed.

It is possible to take part in this course with a film camera, but it will not be possible for your instructor to review the images.

Please note that we do NOT lend cameras or accessories

Minor participants can participate in our courses (under condition, see article here in our help centre).

What you get?

If you like black & white rendering and wish to improve your monochrome photography skills, this workshop will teach you how to sublimate your black & white compositions with the help of a professional photographer.

To begin, your teacher will explain the different settings that can be applied to your camera to optimise monochrome rendering and develop a style that is unique to you.

The workshop will also be an opportunity to review some of the great photographers who have worked in black & white. Iconic images will be analysed and you will understand how monochrome rendering has served their photographic practice.

The shooting will be the main part of the course; a phase during which you will be able to put into practice the technical and compositional tricks taught by your trainer.

This course will teach you how to:

  • Read light and contrasts
  • Choose your subjects for optimal black & white rendering
  • Manage exposure for shadows and highlights
  • Optimise black & white conversion on your device

At the end of the workshop, we will offer you a complete debriefing to share your images taken during your training. This collective review, carried out by the teaching photographer, will allow each participant to ensure a good understanding but also to draw inspiration from the achievements of the other students.

Choose your next course

Photography course - Black and white

May 2025
2:00 PM
5:30 PM

Jul 2025
2:00 PM
5:30 PM

Sep 2025
2:00 PM
5:30 PM
Available Bookings

Nov 2025
2:00 PM
5:30 PM

Jan 2026
2:00 PM
5:30 PM
Available Bookings
